Specialized care in comprehensive hospitalization services adapted to the needs of the elderly.
In the Geriatrics Center we have an appropriate physical environment focused on the elderly patient, carefully reviewing the medical procedures implemented to avoid adverse effects and complications, thus daily evaluating your physical and cognitive functions to improve care, nutrition and mobility required for your fast recovery.
Elderly patients frequently experience a loss of physical functional independence during the course of an acute illness requiring hospitalization.
Loss of independence is promoted by the reciprocal interaction between the acute illness that causes hospitalization and the underlying chronic illness and its consequences.
During this type of hospitalizations for acute illness in older adult patients, little attention is paid to physical and cognitive functionality, however these are a critical determinant of quality of life, of physical independence, of the cost of care and prognosis among older adult patients.
All elements of hospitalization, including a physical environment, immobility, alteration of the sleep-wake cycle, disorientation, depersonalization, sensory deprivation, alterations in nutrition and the entire process of patient care can contribute to the progression of functional deterioration and failure to restore the functional independence of the patient before being discharged from the hospital. For all these points, it is important to consider that the application of timely interventions during the course of hospitalization can prevent physical and cognitive functional deterioration.
Comprehensive geriatric assessment
A complete study focused on the pathologies of aging.
First time assessment. This includes geriatric evaluation, laboratory tests and X-rays, focused on pathologies originating from the age of 65.
Geriatric assessment. An assessment of this type includes the evaluation of the most important risk factors in the elderly: A complete medical history and examination, a detailed evaluation of memory, mood, function, gait and balance. These are carried out with the use of special measurement scales.
It also includes the evaluation of the musculoskeletal system by a rehabilitator, a nutritional assessment focused on scales for the elderly, audiometry, assessment by an otolaryngologist, a complete ophthalmological evaluation with intraocular pressure measurement and a dental evaluation with orthopantomography.
Laboratory and cabinet studies. Clinical laboratory studies (hematic biometry, glucose, urea nitrogen, uric acid, lipid profile with ultrasensitive C-reactive protein, liver function profile, serum electrolytes, thyroid stimulating hormone, etc.), Imaging (radiography of chest, pelvic ultrasound, mammography), forearm densitometry, and resting electrocardiogram.
All these studies are carried out by geriatricians, nutritionists, rehabilitators, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists and dentists.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
During hospitalization, older adults experience a loss of muscle mass due to rest of more than 10% in 3 days, as well as a decrease of 5% in muscle strength per day of immobility. For all the above, our Institution has a highly specialized service of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation that is in charge of the assessment, intervention and follow-up of all hospitalized elderly patients.

Nutritional support
The nutritional status of hospitalized older adults is a primary factor for its evolution, since it predisposes to a greater number of complications such as infections, impaired healing, impaired movement and strength, among others. That is why we have specialized nutritional support for older adults to prepare the nutritional diagnosis of the patient and ensure continuous evaluation of adherence to the recommendations.
Mood and cognition
In old age, a series of factors of various kinds occur that may favor the appearance of depression and alterations in intellectual functions.
Hospitalization for acute illness, the environmental factors of hospitalization, and all biological factors, among others, precipitate these processes. For this reason, from admission, an assessment of the state of mind and intellectual functions is carried out to establish recommendations and appropriate measures to prevent this type of complications.