Medical Office Médica Sur Copyright
In our hospitalization tower we have a specialized human team supported by a cutting edge technology infrastructure to provide personalized medical care to our patients.
Health Personnel
Each floor of the Hospital is integrated by:
- Health personnel 24 Hours.
- Medical office.
On each floor there is a specialized doctor who is in charge, alongside him there are specialized doctors for your health and your safety.
- Courier staff.
- Drug surveillance Staff.
- Head nurses per floor.
- Nursing Staff.
- Nursing Station.
- Nutrition Staff.

Physician's office responsible for the floor Médica Sur Copyright
Daily tours of your health personal
During your stay, your treating doctor will be supported by the doctors and the nursing staff on the floor, which you are on, we will make visits to your room to take your vital signs, administer your medications and verify your progress.
Technology and Robot Center
In the hospital hall ways there are computers for your doctors and your health personal to be able to access your electronic file.
Your treating doctor and your family members will be able to make visits to you through a sophisticated high technology robot which has a high screen quality, this way the risks of contagious are cero and you and your families can be come.
Patient´s Visual Safety Alerts/ Visual Alerts about Patient´s Safety
Which allow the medical team:
- Link patient´s information to the medical digital file through QR code.
- Patient´s allergies to any medication or the administration of high risks drugs.
- The need for the health Staff to use protective equipment before entering the room.
- The patient’s risk level of the fallings.
- To know the patient´s ID basic information.
Specific route for Biologically infectious hazardous waste
To reduce contamination inside the hospital, each floor has route signs exclusively for authorized personal.

Exclusive hand wash basin for Health Personnel Médica Sur Copyright
Hand washing in the hospital hall ways
In the hospital hall ways we have:
- Sinks for all health personnel and family as well as antibacterial Gel dispensers.
Emergency cardiac arrest car
In all our hospital floors we have a emergency cardiac arrest car that has all the necessary supplies for any emergency care.
Civil protection
In all the hospital floors you can see the signs of emergency exits, assembly points, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and sprinklers, what to do in case of earthquake or fire, in such a way that it is easier to guide patients and families in an emergency.
Security cameras on the hospital floors
All floors of the hospital have CCTV system which is connected to the security area and surveillance station.
We have security personal that provide controlled access on each floor.
In Médica Sur our team work in a coordinated way so we can take care of all the details in the care and security of our patients.